Saturday, April 11, 2009

The LinkedIn Lawyer: Building relationships With Linkedin

The LinkedIn Lawyer: Building relationships With Linkedin

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The LinkedIn Lawyer: Lawyers Seek to Grow Online Networks

The LinkedIn Lawyer: Lawyers Seek to Grow Online Networks


Networking Shampoo!


There are only two universities in the United States that teach a class on networking, yet organizations like BNI are growing exponentially as sales professionals realize cold calling is no longer an effective lead generation tool. Few business schools are preparing their graduates for the real world of business, where effective sales people drive market share and profitability.

Fortunately, there are several great resources for self-education that will allow you to shine in your field.

Realizing that most adults have a goal of reading a book a month, the following is a list of the best of the best books on networking so you can make the most of your precious reading time. These are my recommendations:

Excerpted - see the link above for the authors book list!

Get Nspired!Posted by David Lingholm at 1:04 PM

From Michele Catoire via Damien Fischer - Thanks!

Here are a couple links you can go to - to read and learn about social networking. Some good info about Facebook and Twitter

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hello Spokane!

This is really a test post, my first on this blog. Welcome and say hi!